Post by jrbhunter on Feb 24, 2012 18:33:27 GMT -5
Good to see you around Steve! I'll be passing through next Friday around 4pm... turn the radar off and leave a few coyotes for me!
Post by steve46511 on Feb 25, 2012 15:00:02 GMT -5
""I’m familiar with the one website you describe; I’ve been on there for about 7 years and have hunted with several of its members/moderators and founders. As you know, the Terms-Of-Service prohibits any negative input about the 17 caliber rifles and ALSO prohibits discussion of larger calibers or alternative hunting techniques. You have a couple of dominant groups still visiting that site which, in itself, is a clique within a niche. ""
Might be true for one site I dont visit much but in the well known small caliber site, there is no lack of discussion on larger rounds (yet there is a preference there of the membership for small caliber) and a great many like the 204R but just as many set back and rechamber 204R barrels to a 20Vartarg, with more using 17Rems, 17 wildcats and one posting photos of coyotes shot with a 17 wildcat smaller than the 17 Ackley hornet.
Yep, without "experience" I should not have said a word. Just my thoughts, Obviously worth nothing to those already have made up their minds but a last word to the thread starter, there are MANY successfully hunting coyotes in states of longer average shots than IN using a 20 Vartarg (smaller than the 204R) and 17 Remington (and both larger and smaller 17s) with consistant success. Many at ranges I have no plans to shoot one. Skinny cooks they are not (unlike me........yet).
If interested, contact me for the site to read. Like HERE.......they DO have experience and also, like here, are glad to share their choices, reasons, bullets, loads, gun choice etc.
After all, ALSO like here, all members of sites offer personal choices as info and reasons. Largest difference is that these fellas have more experience with sub 224 cartridges than all of us will dream of having.
I made my choice, yet as I said, a "larger" caliber may be in plans down the road but wont surprise me a bit if I dont need it.. The proper bullet, traveling the proper velocity for it to function, placed properly is, IMO, THE combination and number 1 on "MY" priority list shortly followed by a priority of not blowing chunks out of the animal like I have seen in other threads on various rounds and the 204R was ONE that would do so without picking less explosive bullets indicating IMHO (only) that there is more there than Ill need.
Of COURSE, I could be incorrect. As could anyone else here. Ask me about Holloween time.
Ill be hunting and with the 17 Ackley. For the record, what it is worth, Ive loaded and shot varmint rounds for 40 years and have seen various varmints shot with probably 2 dozen cartridges. My experience may not be with coyotes personally but Ive seen enough shot with missing pieces to sit comfortably with the round of choice for my wants.
Also, no round is for everyone. Otherwise gun calalogs would be pretty skinny. *grin*.
No offense to anyone. Just was stating my opinion and my choice wasnt made blindly nor quickly. I spent months discussion rounds and bullet choices FOR COYOTES with others accross the US before looking for and finding the above rifle. The 17 Rem or 20 Vartarg would give me more range, if I decide I need it, but wont give me deader coyotes.
God Bless